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Original publishing date: Sep 2, 2022

Our Unusual Collaboration team All in the Same Boat is organizing an excursion open to researchers from the alliance institutions.

So they would like to invite you on a bus excursion on the 19th of September!
During the excursion you will visit different locations where we will learn about- and discuss- different perspectives on water security.

The excursion will look as follows: 
At the four stops we will be guided by different hosts:

  • Ecology and Nature: Stichting Mooi Binnenveld and Cooperation Binnenveldse Hooilanden, here we will go on a walk to a reconstructed natural area.
  • Governance and Policy: The province of Gelderland
  • Education and Awareness: The Dutch Water museum
  • Technology and Innovation: Hoogheemraadschap (waterboard) de Stichtse Rijnlanden, here we will visit a sewage water treatment plant.

We gather at 8.30 at station Ede-Wageningen or 9.00 at Radix (WUR), We will finish approximately (also dependent on traffic) around 17.30 with a general wrap-up in Utrecht after which the bus will go back to Ede-Wageningen and the WUR. 

During the day the question ‘How can we, now and in the future, ensure sufficient and clean water to both nature and society?’ will be central. We will learn about the perspectives, actions, and possible collaborations surrounding this question at each location. 

If you are interested in joining, please subscribe before 06-09-2022 17.00h using the following link: https://forms.office.com/r/awM6nQWR86

Some practicalities: Dress according to the weather, we have some outside activities planned! Additionally, lunch will be provided, but make sure to bring enough water and or snacks to keep yourself healthy and nourished. 

We hope to see you on the 19th ! 

 The All in the Same Boat team 

Annette, Yali, Kevin, Herman Kasper, Maryna, Maarten, Erhard, Harmen